
Let’s Talk Food and Love

Do you remember a time you when cooked your prized meal for your special someone, only to have it turn into the worst night ever?  How about that romantic dinner that made you cry with joy?  Cry with embarrassment?  It’s time to share the romantic, disastrous, embarrassing stories of FOOD AND LOVE for our special Valentine’s Day Guest Post.   Be as creative as you like! Include a recipe if you wish, pictures…

Here’s a wee taste from my story book: (just to get you started!)

Imagine… fresh pumpkin pie for my loved ones. My proud moment. Pulling it out of the box. Heating it up. Watching in anticipation as he took his first mouthwatering bite….. followed by this statement:  “Oh my gosh…this is awful.. it tastes raw!!”  Lesson learned: Not all store bought pumpkin pies are pre-cooked. Good thing it was my father… he had to keep me around.

Send your story and picture to info@ajocksguide.com along with any blog or website that you are attached to :) I’ll link to it when I post.

Be brave, story tellers… be brave.

Lots of love,

The Jock

What The Fans Are Saying...
You're such a charm on this channel, & such a treat, my & my wife watched a couple of your cooking vids & couldn't help loving you :-D
~ Moe K
A Jock’s Guide Trailer
Your cook – Kate

A woman, a laptop and a kitchen…. and a great partnership with KidSport Ontario.

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